
Archive for the ‘Salem Massachusetts’ Category

>Warlocks (and Alec Baldwin) Want Charlie Sheen to Get His Act Together

March 13, 2011 Leave a comment


Add the witches and warlocks of Salem, Mass. to the list of those who have had it up to here with the Sheenanigans.
As it turns out, the Coven of the Raven Moon was none too amused when Charlie Sheen announced he’s a “Vatican assassin warlock” during a recent radio interview.
Hence, it was time for a five-minute “magical intervention.”
The group felt that Sheen calling himself an “assassin warlock” cast peace-loving Wiccans in a bad light. In order to teach Sheen a lesson (and bind him from harming himself and others), the coven headed to a Salem witchcraft store and summoned the archangels of the four corners of the world, according to Variety.
“May you find healing and open your eyes; we bind you from harm in the craft of the wise,” three coven members reportedly chanted after lighting candles and shaking a talisman head of Anubis.
But the bevy of beefs with the former Two and a Half Men star didn’t stop there.
Alec Baldwin also had some tough love for the record-setting Twitterer.
“You can’t win. Really. You. Can’t,” Baldwin wrote in an editorial for The Huffington Post. “Take a nap. Get a shower. Call Chuck. Go on Letterman and make an apology. Write a huge check to the B’Nai Brith. And then beg for your job back. Your fans demand it.”
And that wasn’t all.
“Sober up, Charlie. And get back on TV, if it’s not too late. This is America. You want to really piss off Chuck and Warner Brothers and CBS? Beg for America’s forgiveness. They will give it to you. And then go back. You are a great television star. And you’ve got the gig,” Baldwin continued. “P.S…. buy Cryer a really nice car.”