
Archive for the ‘RadarOnline’ Category

>Renee Zellweger arrives for Reese Witherspoon`s wedding

March 27, 2011 Leave a comment


Renee Zellweger has arrived in California to help Reese Witherspoon with her wedding to CCA agent Jim Toth.
The Bridget Jones star checked into the luxury Ojai Valley Inn – where she and other guests will be staying.
The exclusive spa hotel is close to Witherspoon’s farmhouse, where the celebration will be held.
Zellweger, dressed in leggings, a sweatshirt and sneakers, was spotted with two suitcases, a large bag and a moving box.
RadarOnline is reporting that Witherspoon has already apologised to her neighbours for the noise, traffic and extra congestion caused by her friends, family and media descending on their neighbourhood.
‘Reese sent nice personalised letters to all the neighbours last week’, a source told the site.
‘She informed us that she and Jim were having their wedding at her home and apologised ahead of time for all the construction and cargo trucks that would be coming in and out of the community.’

>Screen Captions of Lindsay Lohan’s Surveillance Video Released

March 7, 2011 Leave a comment


While talks about Lindsay Lohan’s surveillance video are all over the web, a sneak peek to the said footage has hit the web in a form of screen captions. The troubled singer is clearly visible at these images – she is seen inside the store with a companion.

The troubled singer came to Kamofie & Co., a jeweler located near her new home in L.A.’s Venice Beach district, and tried on some jewelry pieces. The pictures were released as a teaser to the video capturing the moment when she allegedly stole a $2,500 necklace from the store.
The footage has been shopped around with its recent price tag reaching around $35,000, and it’s expected to come out on Monday night, March 7. It has gone out to the Associated Press, who is handling the licensing and distribution of the tape and stills. Lindsay has been charged with felony grand theft and is due back in court March 10. Since the case is still on going, both the prosecution and defense camps are upset with the video release because they believe it will complicate the case. “Neither side wanted it released,” a source told Radar Online. “Neither side sanctioned this sale.”
Kamofie & Co. spokesman Christopher Spencer defends the decision to release the tape, claiming that the case ruined their business. “Customers have stayed away from the store because of the paparazzi and the controversy,” he said, adding that there is no profit motive because the money made from the release won’t come close to covering the loses.
“There were literally thousands of media inquiries asking for the release of the video which is not secret evidence. The video would have been released during the trial anyway, as was stated by several prominent criminal attorneys,” he stated. “We worked with the non-profit organization known as the Associated Press to allow legitimate journalists and news outlets access to the video.”