
Archive for the ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton’ Category

>Gadhafi forces repel rebels

March 30, 2011 Leave a comment


A sustained counterattack by Libyan government troops sent overmatched rebel fighters fleeing eastward for almost 100 miles Tuesday, erasing many of the weekend gains by opposition forces attempting to overthrow Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
Panicked and badly rattled, hundreds of rebels sped away from the front to escape fierce rocket barrages by Gadhafi’s soldiers and militiamen. Rebel gun trucks raced three abreast and jostled madly for position on a coastal highway choked with retreating fighters and civilians. At one point, rebels surrendered 70 miles of terrain in just four hours.

It was a humiliating rout for a volunteer fighting force that had advanced 150 miles in 24 hours over the weekend behind allied airstrikes that pummeled government troops and armor. Many rebels had spoken confidently of marching on Tripoli, the capital, buoyed by false news reports Monday that their forces had captured Gadhafi’s hometown garrison of Sirte.

But by Tuesday afternoon, those same rebels were in headlong retreat from Bin Jawwad, which they had seized only Sunday. Many fled 25 miles east to Ras Lanuf, the oil city captured by the opposition Saturday. By nightfall, the city and its refinery were under government assault as the rebel retreat spilled farther east.
The swift battlefield reversal underscored the mercurial nature of the war in the east, where neither side seems strong enough to vanquish the other.
Nearly a month of fighting has raged back and forth across a 220-mile stretch of coastal wasteland in a nation with a coastline of nearly 1,100 miles.
The headlong retreat from Bin Jawwad marked the second time in just 23 days that government forces had routed rebels there. The town is on the fault line between eastern and western Libya, with several tribes in the area split between the two sides.
By nightfall Tuesday, some rebel gun trucks had retreated all way east to Uqaylah, 45 miles from Ras Lanuf — and nearly 120 miles from the spot where rebels had advanced to within 50 miles of Sirte 24 hours earlier.
Among those fleeing were rebels driving trucks mounted with the opposition’s most effective weapons: 106mm artillery, heavy machine guns and recoilless rifles. Rebels firing behind sand dunes shouted at them to turn around, but they ignored them and sped east.
Some fighters acknowledged that they felt helpless against the BM-21 Grad rocket systems that pounded rebel positions throughout the day. There was no sign near Bin Jawwad of Grad batteries that rebels seized from government forces last weekend.
“When the Grads hit, we all ran,” said Abdelsalam Ali, 37, a taxi driver armed with an assault rifle. “They’re too strong for us.”
Asked if he would stand his ground and fight if the government advance continued, Ali shrugged and replied, “It’s not wise to face these guys when they have heavy weapons and we don’t. I’m trying to do this in a safe way.”
Also fleeing was Mohammed Fatallah, 42, a businessman armed with a submachine gun manufactured in 1949. He said he also was leery of Grad rockets to stand and fight for Bin Jawwad.
“If the planes will hit Gadhafi’s men, well, then I’ll go there and fight,” Fatallah said. “If the planes don’t attack, we’ll get pushed back even more.”
Other lightly armed rebels said they retreated because they were told that only heavy machine guns and antiaircraft systems were needed at the front. But those claims proved suspect when rebel gun trucks fled from the front towing those very weapons.
Many rebels gave up any pretense, at least for the day, of marching on Sirte or on to Tripoli.
Gadhafi’s forces have built well-defended fortifications about 50 miles east of Sirte, which has been attacked by the Western-led alliance. But even after airstrikes routed Gadhafi’s men from eastern Libyan cities, government troops are still better armed and better led than the rebels.
The defense of Sirte is important to Gadhafi because it is the last major pro-Gadhafi redoubt between the current front and Tripoli, 275 miles west. The city is dominated by well-armed members of Gadhafi’s Gadhadhfa tribe.
More than 100 miles east of Sirte, gas shortages hobbled some rebel forces. Many rebel vehicles carry extra containers of gasoline. But some rebels, joined by civilians, crowded into gas stations closed for lack of electricity. Using rope, they lowered empty water bottles weighted with stones into underground storage tanks to scoop up gasoline.
Later, rebels set fire to an abandoned armored troop carrier and a cement truck as they retreated, apparently to keep them out of government hands.
The day began with a fierce government assault early Tuesday, the second in as many days. Rebels at first retreated to new lines a few miles east of a desert crossroads. There, they watched government rockets crash down two miles away, sending up plumes of dirty brown smoke.
The dull thump of artillery and heavy machine-gun fire sounded in and around Bin Jawwad at mid-day as rebels fought desperately to hold positions there.
Plumes of black smoke rose over the grimy coastal town as volleys of rocket and artillery fire echoed across the desert. Ambulances with blaring sirens sped west, their paramedics frantically treating wounded fighters.
At 2:30 p.m., a furious government fusillade stirred panic among rebel volunteers and defecting army regulars fighting alongside them. About 200 fighters suddenly abandoned their positions east of Bin Jawwad in a mad dash to safety.
Two larger, more chaotic retreats erupted an hour later as hundreds of rebels fled another 25 miles eastward. Some fired their weapons into the air at random. They were cursed by other fleeing fighters for wasting precious ammunition.
A few fighters shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — God is great — over their shoulders with little conviction as they abandoned the fight.
Those same rebels earlier had boldly proclaimed their intent to not only hold their ground but also mount an assault on Sirte. Bernwi, the exterminator-turned-fighter, vowed to march to Tripoli “to exterminate the biggest rat — Gadhafi.”
Just two hours later, a stiff desert wind blew in the faces of terrified fighters speeding east, and Bin Jawwad was abandoned to Gadhafi’s men.
The government counterattack began overnight with rocket barrages that scattered poorly organized rebel positions west of Bin Jawwad. By early morning Tuesday, dozens of rebels sped east into Bin Jawwad, fleeing gunfire and explosions.
Furious arguments broke out over the proper way to hold off the government assault. With no formal leadership and no coordinated tactics, the rebels are not a unified fighting force but a collection of enthusiastic but untrained men with guns.
Some fighters set up truck-mounted 106mm artillery tubes atop sand dunes and fired at advancing government forces. Others turned their gun trucks around and drove cautiously toward the fight, only to suddenly turn and flee again at the sound of enemy fire.
Still other fighters crouched behind sand dunes and embankments along the Mediterranean coast, armed only with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. Some squinted helplessly through binoculars at Grad rockets exploding along the highway a mile west.
Rebels said they were lured by Gadhafi gunmen into an ambush late Monday about 50 miles east of Sirte. Bernwi and other gunmen said a group of government militiamen raised a white flag to draw the rebels close, then opened fire with heavy machine guns.
As the rebels retreated toward Bin Jawwad, they passed several groups of rebel fighters lounging on sand dunes and feasting on meals provided by rebel supporters.
The men were implored to stand and fight, retreating rebels said. But these fighters, too, turned their gun trucks around and sped east toward the rapidly collapsing rebel lines.

>Libya: Gaddafi forces keep up assault on rebel cities

March 24, 2011 Leave a comment


Fighting has been continuing in Libya for key cities after a fifth consecutive night of air strikes.
Overnight several loud explosions were heard in Tripoli
In Misrata, a rebel-held city east of the capital, government tanks have been shelling the area near the hospital.

There have also been reports of fierce fighting between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in strategic Ajdabiya. Residents fleeing the town described shelling, gunfire and houses on fire.

In Misrata, Libya’s third-largest city, witnesses had said on Wednesday that tanks had pulled back from their positions under air assault from international forces.
But later residents said the tanks had rolled back into the city and resumed shelling.
An explosion was also reported at a military base in the Tajura region east of Tripoli.
Residents in Tripoli said plumes of black smoke could be seen coming from an area near a military base, although this has not been independently confirmed.
Earlier, the US chief of staff for the mission in Libya insisted there had been no reports of civilian casualties caused by allied action.
Rear Admiral Gerard Hueber’s comments come despite claims to the contrary by Muammar Gaddafi’s government.
Operational control
Earlier, British Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell said Col Gaddafi’s air force no longer existed as a fighting force.
AVM Bagwell said the allies could now operate “with near impunity” over the skies of Libya and were now applying unrelenting pressure on the Libyan armed forces.
“We are watching over the innocent people of Libya and ensuring that we protect them from attack,” he said. “We have the Libyan ground forces under constant observation and we attack them whenever they threaten civilians or attack population centres.”
His comments came as Nato members debated who should lead the intervention, with the US keen to hand over operational control to Nato.
Nato members have been holding talks about assuming responsibility for the no-fly zone over Libya, so far without agreement.
Turkey is an integral part of the naval blockade, but has expressed concern about the alliance taking over command of the no-fly zone from the US.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has again urged Col Gaddafi to step down and leave Libya.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged all sides in Libya to cease hostilities. “All those who violate international humanitarian and human rights law will be held fully accountable,” his spokesman Martin Nesirky said.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates is in the Egyptian capital Cairo for talks on both Libya and Egypt’s hoped-for transition to democracy following the fall of Hosni Mubarak.

>Japanese nuclear reactor in peril

March 11, 2011 Leave a comment


Japanese authorities and the U.S. military on Saturday were racing to find ways to deliver new backup generators or batteries to a nuclear power reactor whose cooling facilities have been crippled by a loss of power as a result of the earthquake.
The reactor, owned by Tokyo Electric Power Co., is currently drawing on battery power that may last only a few hours. Without electricity, the reactor will be unable to pump water to cool its hot reactor core, possibly leading to a meltdown or some other release of radioactive material.
Japanese authorities informed the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Incident and Emergency Center that they have ordered the evacuation of about 3,000 residents within a 1.9-mile radius of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and told people within a 16.2-mile radius to remain indoors, according to the IAEA Web site.
The cooling problem is with the second of six reactors at the plant, located on the east coast of Japan about 200 miles north of Tokyo and south of the heavily damaged town of Sendai. Separately there were reports of elevated radiation levels inside the control room of one of the other reactor units, which was built 40 years ago. Sources said that the authorities were contemplating venting from that unit.
Altogether, 11 Japanese nuclear reactors shut down automatically as they are designed to do in case of an earthquake.
“The multi-reactor Fukushima atomic power plant is now relying on battery power, which will only last around eight hours,” said Kevin Kamps, a specialist in nuclear waste at Beyond Nuclear, a group devoted to highlighting the perils of nuclear power. “The danger is the very thermally hot reactor cores at the plant must be continuously cooled for 24 to 48 hours. Without any electricity, the pumps won’t be able to pump water through the hot reactor cores to cool them.”
“There’s a basic cooling system that requires power, which they don’t have,” said Glenn McCullough, former chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority who has been keeping track of the situation in Japan. He said that as a result of the tsunami, water had gotten into the diesel generators that would otherwise have provided backup power.
In a statement that confused nuclear experts, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday morning that U.S. Air Force planes in Japan had delivered “coolant” to a nuclear power plant affected by the quake. Nuclear reactors do not use special coolants, only large amounts of pumped water.
“They have very high engineering standards, but one of their plants came under a lot of stress with the earthquake and didn’t have enough coolant,” she said, “and so Air Force planes were able to deliver that.” It remained unclear what the Air Force had delivered.
Just hours after the quake, Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) declared a heightened state of alert at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, according to the IAEA. NISA said that no release of radiation has been detected.
The evacuation comes after NISA said Friday that a fire broke out at the Onagawa nuclear power plant but was later extinguished.
The plant is about 45 miles north of the city of Sendai, which was badly damaged by the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan Friday afternoon. Sendai is the population center nearest the epicenter of the quake, and Japan’s Kyodo News agency said that more than 200 bodies had been found so far near the city.
The key buildings in the Onagawa plant are about 15 meters above sea level, according to the Web site of Tohoku Electric Power, owner of the plant. The company said that was about twice the height of the previous highest tsunami.
Japanese authorities told the IAEA that that the Onagawa, Fukushima-Daini and Tokai nuclear power plants shut down automatically, and no radiation release has been detected. The plants have multiple nuclear reactors.
The IAEA said it is seeking details on Fukushima Daiichi and other nuclear power plants and research reactors, including information on off-site and on-site electrical power supplies, cooling systems and the condition of the reactor buildings. Nuclear fuel requires continued cooling even after a plant is shut down, the IAEA noted. “This is the most challenging seismic event on record, so it is a severe test,” said McCullough. “Clearly the Japanese government is taking this very seriously.”

>U.S. readies relief for quake-hit ally Japan

March 11, 2011 Leave a comment


President Barack Obama sent condolences to the people of Japan on Friday and said the United States would provide any help its close ally needed after a massive earthquake and tsunami killed hundreds.
The Defense Department was preparing American forces in the Pacific Ocean to provide relief after the quake, which generated a tsunami that headed across the Pacific past Hawaii and toward the west coast of the U.S. mainland.
The U.S. Air Force transported “some really important coolant” to a Japanese nuclear plant affected by the quake, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.
Authorities said hundreds of people were killed in Japan and the toll was expected to surpass 1,000.
“This is a potentially catastrophic disaster and the images of destruction and flooding coming out of Japan are simply heartbreaking,” Obama told reporters.
Obama was awakened by his chief of staff, Bill Daley, at about 4 a.m. EST (0900 GMT) and called Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan later in the morning.
“On behalf of the American people, I conveyed our deepest condolences, especially to the victims and their families, and I offered our Japanese friends whatever assistance is needed,” Obama said at a midday news conference.
Obama said Kan told him that so far there were no signs of a radiation leak at the nuclear plant hit by the quake, adding the United States sent the coolant as a precaution.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters traveling with him in Bahrain that U.S. troops and military facilities in Japan were in good shape and willing to help.
“It’s obviously a very sophisticated country but this is a huge disaster and we will do all, anything we are asked to do to help out,” he said.Daley told a meeting of the President’s Export Council it appeared Hawaii was spared serious impact from the tsunami.
There is still some risk to the U.S. west coast, “but I think the enormous fears that were there hours ago, for some of us hours ago, have diminished greatly, which is quite a relief for all of us,” he said.
The U.S. military effort included at least six Navy ships, Pentagon spokeswoman Navy Commander Leslie Hullryde said.The State Department said U.S. embassy operations in Japan were moved from Tokyo to another location as a precaution.
There have been no reports of Americans killed or injured in the quake. A State Department travel alert strongly urged Americans to avoid nonessential travel to Japan.
“Strong aftershocks are likely for weeks following a strong earthquake such as this one,” it said.