
Archive for the ‘Food and Drug Administration’ Category

>Factbox: Restrictions on Japanese food imports

March 23, 2011 Leave a comment


The United States became the first nation to block produce from Japan’s radiation zone, saying on Wednesday it will halt milk, vegetable and fruit imports from areas near the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant because of contamination fears.
Here are steps other countries have taken to test or block Japanese food imports:


Monitoring food imported from Japan for signs of radiation.
Authorities in Hong Kong have been checking all fresh food imports from Japan for traces of radioactive iodine and cesium since March 12.
Testing all consignments from Japan. Health Ministry is monitoring the situation daily but has no plans to ban so far.
Testing for signs of radiation in fresh agricultural produce, dried agricultural and processed food from Japan.
Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA) said on Wednesday it would not ban Japanese food at this stage.
Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency has advised local boats not to fish in Japanese waters after radiation was detected in the sea around the Fukushima nuclear plant.
The agency will check all catches on fishing boats returning from Japanese waters and destroy any catches with radioactivity exceeding permitted limits.
The United States will block imports of milk and fresh produce from areas of Japan near the crippled nuclear power plant.
All milk and milk products and fresh fruits and vegetables from four Japanese prefectures — Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma — will be stopped from entering the United States, the Food and Drug Administration said.