
Archive for the ‘Delray Beach Florida’ Category

>Police confirm ID of girl, 6, found dead in Delray Beach canal

March 6, 2011 Leave a comment


Confirming what police already suspected, the medical examiner positively identified the little girl found in a black duffel bag in the C-15 canal as 6-year-old Ju’Tyra Allen, a Delray Police Department spokeswoman said in a statement today.Ju’Tyra’s body was found near that of her half-brother, Jermaine McNeil, 10, whose body was identified yesterday.
Police suspect that the children’s mother, Felicia Brown, is also dead; they think she is the formerly unidentified corpse found in a garbage dump in West Palm Beach in August.
Brown’s former boyfriend, Clem Beauchamp, 34, has been named as a suspect in the case but not charged; he has been arrested on an unrelated federal crime.